Saturday, July 13, 2013

Witten Camp Ground Plein Air

On my daughter's 32nd birthday I went to the Witten Camp Ground, here in Fulton and did some more Plein Air.  I'm really enjoying the experience.  That is really what it is.  You aren't so much creating a painting but an experience.  I enjoyed the shade the whole three hours underneath the magnolia tree.  I had to chase a squirrel away though, as the dew was still on the ground and tree and the squirrel was making it rain under the branches onto my easel.  lol!  At one point a spider tried to climb my leg also.  It was nice to be outdoors though.  I still love Portraits more than anything but I think Plein Air will make me a better portrait artist.  Seeing colors for what they really are.  

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