Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Woman's Intuition

I get asked a quite often, "When did you start painting?"  Here recently it has made me question myself.  I started drawing in 2006 a few years after our 20 year old daughter was killed in a car accident.  I used to play the guitar and sing folks songs but felt like I needed another hobby as I often ended up in tears singing songs my daughter either liked or made me think of her.

So I picked up a book on how to draw portraits and went from there to learn how to paint.  I just love painting portraits.  I feel drawn to people.  Someone once said that perhaps it was because I really knew the worth of just one face.  My daughter was an Artist way before I was.  She left us paintings and drawings and cartoons scribbled in her notebooks.  It was while going through things reminiscing once again that I had a chuckle that perhaps she left a lot of her doodles as a subconscious message to me.  I don't really believe that but she would think it was funny.  Perhaps it was seeing all those faces she drew of herself and friends, (too many to post all of them) that made me feel like I was once again connecting with her in some way by taking up portraits myself.  

Who knows!  I don't really know why I took up drawing and not flower arranging or shopping.  lol!  It seems a bit hocus pocus, especially after a trip home to Scotland when I was faced with this photo of my Gran, who was an artist and painted flowers on china sitting in a chair that looked just like a chair I had purchased in America for my own home.  (I though it would be a good chair for someone to sit in for their portrait that I would paint.)  I'm calling it a Women's Intuition!

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